Saturday, October 29, 2005

28/10/2005 - Sleepless Nite

She will be leaving us in 1 month time. Don't know why, I am so sad and demotivated. Guess I have been unhappy lately, and couldn't take another bad news anymore. Additional to the previous stressfull project and heading to another new stressful place starting next week, what a restless life...sigh

Me too love being with the gang, agreed with her of the pretty and lovely smile on WH who can cheer up the day... A cute and lovely colleague->friend I ever met. And she told me this '现今是祢补过去的不足', hey, not a simple gal leh... 所谓, 月亮不一定要圆满, 残缺是一种美丽...

即人萬物都是假象, 都是一種發展過程.
想起過去的執著, 盲目無節制的要求, 心里懺愧萬分...
所以, 感動的世界是最美丽地...
Hope this phrase can give confidence and wiseness when you are in the midst...加油, 加油 :)

It is always a sad thing to say good-bye...

She is not leaving me actually, she is just getting another job. Hope she will have a good future undertaking and wish come true one day. As true friendship will stay forever.

P/S: Stay cheerful... and keep that lovely smile on your face...PC, I will...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

...My 27th Birthday...

Lots of things happened this year and wish to have a silent and 'No Purpose' 27th Birthday...

Friends of mine, 10 of them have gave me a big surprise this afternoon. Wow. I really really admire greatly and thankful for the arrangement today. Guess wat, know them not more than a month, I think this is call friendship, the priceless friendship...

2 of my friends told me this -> Birthdays should be celebrated with our mothers, because they are the ones carrying us for 9 months and they are the ones going through all the pain bringing us to this world. Instead of receiving presents from our parents, we should be the ones giving presents to our mothers. Yes, it's true. I am proud of myself this year as I did something meaningful which has brought the priceless happiness to my mum and myself. Thanks PC and WH.

Merci Beaucoup and best wishes from me.


一直重複的播放這首歌-童话. 一首陪了我很多很多很多天的歌. 曾經, 一首我喜爱歌曲, 变成一首哀伤的歌曲... 現在聽起來, 想找回一些些以前的回憶, 感覺...

那段日子的我, 很不開心, 嚴格來說, 是没有開心过, 後來卻是...

那段期間的我有多夠傻....傻到無路~~為了她,坐在公園里哭, 還記得那是一個雨天, 外面下著很大的雨, 當時只有我一個人在Sato, 就發瘋的哭... 一定会把我的好姐姐嚇壞了...哈哈. 還有很多很多...超级夠傻, 哈哈...

所有关心我的朋友, 谢谢一切一切, 我真正地感激, 我已回来 ~ always Syuen, 給人信心,給人歡喜 給人希望,給人方便...

P/S: 謝謝, 朋友.